About Us

We are a group of Christians who are responding to what we sense as God’s call to share the Good News with Kingston’s East end. Our church building is located at 680 Innovation Drive, where we host worship services, programs and activities for anyone interested in joining and being in fellowship. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash


To be a vibrant community of Jesus´s disciples growing as a visible, evangelical church presence in the East End of Kingston— one which loves God and serves the church (KEECC), the city of Kingston and the world (global missions) in Jesus´s name. 


Our central mission is to make disciples of Jesus as we:

  1. Worship: To authentically worship the Triune God together.
  2. Disciple: To boldly proclaim the Gospel and teach the whole counsel of God to one another and our world so that others become committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
  3. Serve: Graciously live the Gospel as we love and serve one another, both within and outside the church. 


  1. The Foundation of God´s word: We believe that the Bible is the foundation for all of our life with Christ in this world, declaring how we may know and please him. 
  2. The Centrality of Jesus: We strive to keep Jesus at the centre of all we do, worshipping Him for His forgiveness of our sin and desiring that He shall transform us and use us to advance His purpose. 
  3. The Significance of the Church: We believe that the Church is the body of Christ on earth, whose members have been spiritually reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit, and that the church is the means that God has chosen to use to rescue His creation. The greatest need in our day is for the Church to be the community on earth where Christ´s presence is experienced. 
  4. The Priority of Mission: We believe that God established the Church for the purpose of accomplishing His mission of rescuing His creation. Following Jesus means following Him in His mission to restore people and the whole of creation from the ravages of sin and its effects.